
The rise of Korengoud, Jan Linders' bread backeries brand

Jan Linders is relaunching Korengoud, part of the Bread Bakeries brand, We developed a revised identity and packaging. The redesign evolves the Korengoud pack designs and also invites the consumer to notice the big steps they make in sustainability.
Jan Linders is relaunching Korengoud, part of the Bread Bakeries brand, We developed a revised identity and packaging. The redesign evolves the Korengoud pack designs and also invites the consumer to notice the big steps they make in sustainability.

We were asked to redesign Korengoud giving it a qualitative appearance, from ingredient-label to brand-label. Also making the regional label "Streek" clear and identifiable. Last but not least; to make the different bread product groups visible on the store floor.
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